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Stack Team App

Our Club's main form of communication to members ~ Download from your app store

Communication with Coaches

The coaches are only too happy to speak with parents regarding a swimmer’s progress, however during a training session or a competition the coaches must be free to concentrate on the swimmers.

We ask that you communicate with respect, courtesy and at appropriate times.

Each coach has different schedules and what may work for one coach may not work for another coach. Organising individual formal meetings are to be made with coaches. This communication should not occur on pool deck.

Team App “CHAT” or directly email your coach with any questions.

You can find specific, individual email contact details on the Our People page of our website. The website also provides a contact form, which is will be directed to the appropriate representative.

Stack Team App

This is our main for of communication and is free accessible via your smartphone and web browser that allows, our coaches and committee to communicate to the guardians of our junior swimmers.

Please search for and request to join the Yarra Plenty Waves.

Join as a Parent/Guardian or those over 18yrs join your squad. Once approved you will see all the latest news as well as training updates and target swim meet information.

Install the Yarra Plenty Waves App on your smartphone or tablet now!

Follow these steps:

1. Download Stack Team App from the Apple or Google Play app store.

2. Sign up to Stack Team App. You will be sent an email to confirm your registration.

3. Log into the App and search for “Yarra Plenty Waves”.

4. Choose your applicable access (parent or squad) group.

5. If you don’t have a smartphone go to to sign up and view our App online.

Social Media

We also have a Facebook & Instagram page, which we encourage everyone to follow.

On these pages, most activities and accomplishments are posted. We also have a YouTube channel containing many replays of races from many of our athletes.

Some communications may occur via email so please make sure we have your updated email address also.

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